What to Do About A Cracked Tooth

March 31, 2021 Amy Li 0 Comments

A crack in one of your teeth may be visible or it might not be, it might cause pain or you might not feel it at all. So, it can sometimes be difficult to recognize that you have a cracked tooth, or even difficult for a dentist to diagnose it. Read on for some more information and advice when it comes to cracked teeth.

Causes of cracked teeth

A number of things can cause one or more of your teeth to crack. It could be a physical injury caused by trauma to the mouth and teeth, from falling off your bike, for example. It can occur when chewing or biting down on hard foods like chewy candy. A crack or other types of damage can occur due to bruxism, or grinding your teeth.

If you grind your teeth, then your teeth may be more likely to crack when eating hard foods since they will become weakened over time. Your teeth may also become weaker naturally as you age or due to more oral health practices, making a crack more likely.

How to recognize a cracked tooth

Larger cracks may be visible when you look at your teeth or you might be able to feel it with your tongue. However, cracks can be extremely small in some cases, so you may not be able to notice them at all. If you can’t visibly see anything wrong with your tooth, here are some signs that it might be cracked:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food and liquids
  • Pain when chewing
  • Pain when brushing
  • Swollen gums around a tooth

The pain is likely to come and go and may only occur when the tooth is being aggravated by brushing or eating. If left untreated, however, the pain is likely to become more consistent.

What to do if you have a cracked tooth

If you notice a crack or are experiencing the above symptoms, then see your dentist as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the problem. Try not to put any pressure on the affected tooth in the meantime and avoid hot and cold liquids.

Your dentist may perform an x-ray to diagnose a cracked tooth, and the treatment will depend on the type, location, and severity of the fracture. A simple filling may be enough to treat the problem, a crown may be fitted, or a root canal procedure may be required. In severe cases and if the crack is below the gum line, the tooth may need to be removed.

It’s important to see your dentist before the pain worsens or the crack becomes larger. Contact Advance Family Dentists to book an emergency appointment or a routine check-up with a family dentist in Advance, NC.